Thank you for visiting our classroom blog. I hope this is a useful tool for families to stay up to date on what is happening in the classroom.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Homework, Homework, Homework!

Thank you to all the families that attended Curriculum Night last night.  If you were unable to attend I am sending home an informational packet with your child today. 

One topic we did discuss was homework.  Our homework routine will start Monday, October 4th.  The math Homelink(s) will come home each Monday and should be returned by that Friday.  (This is a paper/pencil homework assignment)  We will send a paper that has our spelling skill of the week on it and the red words we are practicing.  This is for your information only and there is no required homework.  We do ask that you practice in some way at home and we will provide some suggestions on how to do that. 

The final homework is reading with your child each night.  This is so important!  If your child does not bring a "just right" book home from school please read, talk and enjoy a book (maybe a chapter book that you are reading to them) at home.
Thanks for your support at home!  This will be a new routine for your child!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Literacy Stations

Today, students learned the last component of our reading workshop model...literacy stations!  Literacy stations will follow the mini-lesson, read-to-self time, share circle and partner reading.  Below I have captured some students at  stations.  The stations may include library, computers, word study, games, writing station or the listening center.  This will be the last 20 minutes of reading workshop and is when I will meet with small reading groups.

Computer Station

Listening Station

Word Study


Writing Station

SWR/Word Study

During our SWR/Word Study block students have been learning to spell RED WORDS.  This a movement activity where students are stopping out the letters and dribbling and shooting the letters.  Ask your child to spell some of the red words in this way at home!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tally Surveys

Last Friday, students developed surveys to gather data and to work on tally marks.  The children loved collecting data, making tally marks, and of course entering other classrooms to ask "What is your favorite color"?  The students are very excited to make another survey! 

Monday, September 20, 2010

Monday Journal Writing

Every Monday your child will write in his/her Monday Journal.  This is a time for your child to free write.  Students often like to write and tell me about their weekend.  I love reading their journal entries and you will too!  Your child will bring it home every Monday night for you to enjoy.  I do not conference or assist with spelling at this time.  I just want them to write!  Please look for the red journals and return it to school by Thursday.  Thanks~

Fun Friday Reading

On Friday students enjoyed read-to-self time by sitting around the room.  They LOVED it!  I have captured the students at this time.  Enjoy!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Theme Time

During theme we have been focusing on ALL ABOUT ME our first unit of study.  We are discussing how we are alike and how we are different.  We have been sharing our skin color, eye color, hair color, how many pets we have, and how many people are in our family.  It is a great way to get to know one another! Our biggest project has been our self-portraits made from paper collage.  Here are some students working on this project. 

First Guidance Class

Mrs. McCleary our guidance teacher began her first lesson with the class today.  She had the students role model what to do during a conflict with another person.  Some of the conflicts included teasing, pushing, tattling, or being bossy.  It was a great lesson and the kids really seemed to understand it.  I hope to see the kids using the tools they learned!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Reading Workshop

This week we officially started Reading Workshop.  The students have been practicing the routine which consists of four parts.  A mini-lesson (I teach a reading skill), read to self (students practice the skill taught), sharing circle, and partner reading.  They are doing a great job practicing the routine and I am so impressed!

Students learned 3 ways to read books this week. 
1.  Read the pictures
2.  Read the words
3.  Retell a familiar story

Students are enjoying their books!

What amazing readers!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Math Workshop

                                          Students rotate through stations during math.
Students playing a game called Penny-Dice.

Mrs. Cullen assisting with a game of Top-It!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Morning Greeting

Each morning we gather for a morning meeting.  In our meeting, we do a greeting, an activity, share, and read the morning message together.  Students are greeting each other in the above pictures so that we all feel welcome and special.

Happy Friday!!

This morning I captured some first grade friends ready for school!!!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

First Few Weeks of School

This is my first year using a blog to communicate and to update families of happenings in the classroom.  I hope to post pictures and capture your child engaged in learning.  I will begin once I have received all permission slips. 