Thank you for visiting our classroom blog. I hope this is a useful tool for families to stay up to date on what is happening in the classroom.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Comprehension Strategies

The past two weeks during Reading Workshop we have been learning about comprehension strategies.  These strategies help readers better understand a story and to learn new information.  Below you will see our class chart with the 3 strategies we have been practicing.  The students have really enjoyed using these techniques while reading in class.  I bet they would love to share some of them with you at home too!

                                                       Class Comprehension Chart

                                                             This is stop
and think!

                                Check for Understanding - visual reminder orange check mark
Asking questions..."I wonder..."
                                                Marking "I wonder" with a sticky note

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Reading Bags

Just a friendly reminder that your child's reading bag should be returned to school as soon as they have read the book to you.  Some students have books in their reading buckets that they are "experts" on and are waiting to take them home.  If you have lost or misplaced the bag please let me know so I can replace it.
                                 Our class reading bags have yellow on them.  :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Yearbook Orders!!!

If you are interested in ordering a yearbook for your child please visit the UMS website.  You can order directly online from there.  Or you can send in the paper form that was sent home a few weeks ago.  The PTO does not order any extras so this is the only chance to order.     ~Thanks!

Reading Workshop

We have been so busy during our Reading Workshop Block.  Students have been introduced and practicing a variety of reading strategies to use when stuck on a word.  Please encourage them to use them at home!
Below is a list of some fun strategies:
1.  Lips the Fish - get your lips ready for the 1st sound.              
2.  Eagle Eye - look at the pictures.                                           
3.  Stretchy Snake - stretch out the sounds.
4.  Hoppy the Frog- hop over the word and finish the sentence.  Go back and reread.
5.  Chunky Monkey - chunk the word to find little words you know.                                 

The past few weeks we have been focusing on retelling a story to better understand what we are reading.  Your child has been practicing this at school during read to self and partner read time.
  A "good" retell includes:
1.  Naming characters
2.  Setting
3.  Problem
4.  Solution
5.  Discuss overall theme of story

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Writing Workshop

This week we have started our immersion process for Procedural (How To...) Writing.  The students have really enjoyed reading and looking at all the "How To" books in our basket.  We have discovered that most "How To" books have the following:
1.  Introduction
2.  List of materials
3.  Steps/Directions
4.  Pictures
5.  Conclusion

I am excited for the students to begin their "How To" writing pieces.  I can't wait to read about what they are "experts" on!  This is a FUN writing unit!
Stay tuned for a list of writing topics....hmmm "How To Build a Snowman".  That might be a FUN Friday Class Activity! :)

Choice Time

Choice Time Slide Show:  Please click on the above link to watch a quick slide show of choice time.
Choice Time is such an important time for kids to explore, play together, and learn to solve problems on their own.  The students are really working on doing this successfully.  Please talk to your child about how they are playing, talking and interacting with their peers.

During Math Workshop students have a computer station where they play Everyday Math Games.  Students do need to share a computer and take turns with another child.  This can be a challenge at times.  We are working on both sharing and taking turns.

Everyday Math Games - Computer Station

MATH NEWS!!!!!!!
Math Facts:   Students are starting to work with addition facts now in math.  Please start working/quizzing your child on facts 0-10.  The faster they can recognize them by memorization the easier math will be.
Example:  4+3 = 7
Playing Dice-Throw Record
(Students throw the dice,add up the 2 numbers, and record the sum in their student journal)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Word Study

This week for word study we are adding "s" to words to create a plural.  We did a fun "snowball"activity to reinforce this skill of adding "s" to words.  It is a simple and fun activity that your child can do at home too!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Happy New Year!

It has been nice hearing about each child's vacation and holiday celebrations.  It is great to be back and ready to learn!  This week we have been talking about resolutions and making new learning, social, or behavior goals for our first grade classroom.  The children were very honest and thoughtful when picking their goal.  I am so proud of them and know they all can meet their First Grade Resolution!  Please ask your child what his/her goal  is. :)