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Monday, September 26, 2011

Meet "Clara the Careful Clarifier"

Today in Reading Workshop, the students were introduced to a "special" character named Clara the Careful Clarifier.  Clara is a character who helps out if there are ANY words or parts of a story that you don't know.  She has many strategies to help us "figure" out words.  Today, she modeled Eagle Eye.  Eagle Eye is when a reader looks at the pictures for clues when they are reading. 
(The kids giggled and LOVED that I (oops - I mean Clara) had a sophisticated accent!  I think they were ALL tuned in today for the mini-lesson).

Meet "Clara the Careful Clarifier"
Clara the Careful Clarifier will be here all week reviewing reading strategies.
There are four characters called The Fabulous Four from the Reciprocal Teaching Book.  These 4 characters will be introduced this year and used to help students during reading workshop and their everyday reading.

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